Friday 5 December 2014

Ep. 19 | Guest Posting 101

If you're worrying about fucking up guest posting, don't. Seriously. Don't.
Guest post template:…et-domination/
The League of Business Badasses:

Thursday 4 December 2014

Sunday 23 November 2014

Ep. 17 | Blogging/Content Burnout

Stuck for giving a shit about writing more posts? I feel ya, bud. Pop me in and let's figure it out.

Ep. 16 | Marketing to Non-entrepreneurs

What happens if you need to catch non-entrepreneurs attention? If you need more 9-5ers that aren't on FB groups, listen up.

Here's the URL of the mad libs -

Monday 30 June 2014

Ep. 15 | My First Biz-versary

It's my first year in business full-time and I celebrate by giving you a recap of the highs and lows.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Ep. 14 | Your Never-tiring salesman.

Your never-tiring salesman. Turn strangers into buyers with this -

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Ep. 13 | Life Coach Crack

Get off the Life Coach Crack and The Secret to My Success.

Ep. 12 | Street Cred

A big step towards establishing your expertise and gaining street cred.

Ep. 11 | Client Break-Up

What to do if your client no longer wants to work with you.
(I drop the c**t bomb here. Prepare your ears.)

Ep. 10 | Interwebs = Small

The internet is a small place. What to do when you get frustrated and wanna vent.

Ep. 9 | Facebook Group Promoting

How to make the most of Facebook groups. (Hint: it's not about directly promoting your stuff.)

Friday 2 May 2014

Ep. 8 | Service Swap

Potential clients can't afford your prices but want to offer their services in exchange? Here's what I do.

Ep. 7 | Cut Out Fun

Cutting out fun time because it's a 'waste of time'?
People mentioned - and

Ep. 6 | The Hunt

How to find those freaking elusive ideal clients.

Ep. 5 | Need to Know

The one thing that new and established businesses need to think about before creating something new.

Monday 28 April 2014

Ep. 4 | Family + Friends Don't Support You

A listener asks what to do when your family and friends aren't supportive of you.

Ep. 3 | Negative Feedback

What to do when people give you negative feedback or criticism on the interwebs.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Ep. 2 | It's All Been Done

You stumble onto an idea that you were going to do and then tumble into despair, discouragement, and anger. What to do when you realize it's all been done before and it's on the web.

Friday 25 April 2014

Ep.1 | Beginning with Boundaries

We all start business with wanting clients so bad we're willing to give our services away for free. Here's how you overcome that and move forward gracefully.